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Do you know your Impact?

At Mocean Fitness, our mission is to become the most sustainable fitness community on earth. And to do that, we need to know where we are now, in order to continue improving. That’s why we partnered with Greenstory, the fashion life cycle assessment and sustainability platform, so we can provide complete transparency and demonstrate our positive impact, every step of the way.

Stage 1 of this journey is to measure our current environmental footprint, from ‘seed to shelf’, this means tracing the journey of our product from the moment the recycled material is extracted, or the natural fibre is harvested, right the way through to when the final product reaches our HQ in York. This is completed by using the global standard of LCA methodology, with data of the highest standards, validated under ISO 14040/44, and most importantly, in line with the EU Laws on Greenwashing, sourced from accredited partners around the world.

Greenhouse gas emissions

Energy Demands

Water consumption

Stage 2 is to compare Mocean Fitness clothing to regular and comparative activewear which has been created using standard and conventional practices, such as virgin polyester, which has been created using fossil fuels. We are able to see the raw value, and percentage difference, in each of the 3 environmental areas above for every piece of Mocean Fitness clothing.

Blue Water Consumption (Litres) 83.60126.00-33.65%
Table 6:LCIA Results for 100% Recycled Polyester Baselined with Conventional 100% Virgin Polyester Apparel (SC3) (per kg apparel)

Stage 3 – Going Carbon Neutral – Once we understand the impact of our activewear, and we can baseline it to comparative products created using standard methods, we can do something with the data. And this is where we can be really impactful. By understanding the total greenhouse gas emissions (global warming potential) of each product we can offset these to make each and every one of our products carbon neutral. Offsetting is where we invest in environmental projects around the world, usually in underdeveloped areas, in order to remove equal amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to those which were emitted during the products lifecycle. Meaning the product’s carbon footprint becomes net zero.

We invest in these specific projects:

The final stage in the process, after we’ve completed the life cycle assessments, compared our products to others, and ensured our products are all carbon neutral, we then need to provide you, our trusted community, with the data to support your buying decisions so that you can make the most eco-conscious choices possible. We appreciate that not everyone is as nerdy as us and understands the meaning behind metrics such as kg CO2eq and Primary Energy Demand MJ, which is why convert the data into it’s real world equivalent, to make it simple, clear and easy to understand.

For every product you’ll be able to see:

km of driving emissions avoided

Days worth of drinking water saved

Energy Saved(kw/h)
